Thesis 4: Shifting Geographies and New Topographies

2017-05-03 Theses

Independent fashion and style magazines are part of historical and postcolonial shifts in decentralized fashion production and the geopolitical positioning of fashion centers.






“For Fashion (as for Leibnitz), to be in a particular place is to pass through it. (…) The geography of Fashion marks two ‘elsewheres’; a utopian ‘elsewhere’, represented by everything that is exotic, exoticism being an acculturated geography; and a real ‘elsewhere’, which Fashion borrows from outside itself – from an entire economic and mythic situation of contemporary France: the Riviera. Yet Fashion always experiences these places it is aimed at or passes through as absolute loci whose essence must be apprehended at a single stroke: it lives immediately immersed in a space or an element which is never anything but its goal (…).”

Roland Barthes: The Fashion System. Berkeley/Los Angeles/London: University of California Press, 1990, pp. 251-2.


Magazines and Fotoseries

The Outpost

212 Magazine

A5 Magazine

Cool Capital

Fucking Young!



Faux Fox

Harper’s Bazaar China


Femmes Africaines


