Magazines & Artworks


Riposte is a smart magazine for women. We profile bold and fascinating women whose achievements speak for themselves. Our interviews are honest rather than being full of media trained responses as the women we feature candidly discuss their successes & failures, their work, their passions and perspectives. Essays and features cover a broad range of issues including art, design, music, business, innovation, politics, food and travel. We commission all creative content exclusively for each issue, working closely with all creativeRead More


Published twice a year since 2002, ENCENS is focused on fashion as artform from the perspective of designers rather than trends. The magazine investigate new forms of dressing from past to present with probing interviews, extensive use of photography and vintage, and dynamic layout.   Based in: Paris   Staff: Publishers: Samuel Drira & Sybille Walter Art Direction: Sybille Walter Fashion Editor: Samuel Drira Casting Director: Karen Pfrunder Editorial Assistant: Ann Eguer Fashion Assistant: Sarah Chervet Photography: Francesco Brigida, CécileRead More


Mirage Magazine was founded independently in 2009 by Henrik Purienne and Frank Rocholl as a 400 page fashion and culture magazine inspired by the photographic aesthetic and hedonistic culture of the 1960s and 1970s. Subject matter relates to timeless aesthetics in the fields of architecture, art and design interweaved with visions of forgotten utopias, unsung heroes and cinematic stagings. Editorial content has a documentary feel and often reflects the personal relationship of photographer and muse, with key themes being summer,Read More


Magazine est un magazine qui traite de la culture magazine. Mais arrêtons les répétitions, et parlons de presse de style. Plus qu’un média classique, la presse de style est une forme qui synthétise le style à un moment donné. Mode, art, design… elle est le mood board de l’époque et Magazine le restitue chaque trimestre. «Style, media & creative industry», la baseline de Magazine résume le carrefour créatif, abscisse et ordonnée de la fabrication des images, des concepts et desRead More


L-Mag. Das Magazin für Lesben. Jedes Heft entsteht mit viel kreativen Gedanken, intensiver Recherche und jeder Menge Kontakte in die lesbische Welt von Musik, über Film bis hin zu Politik. Gemeinsam arbeiten Redaktion, Grafik, Anzeigenabteilung und Verwaltung an Ideen, Inhalten und dem Gesamtkonzept. Dazu kommen noch etliche freie Autor_innen und Fotograf_innen, die raus in die Welt stürmen und das Heft mit Artikeln, Bildern und Ideen füllen. Am Ende liegt das fertige Heft im Briefkasten jeder Abonnentin. Und für alle sichtbarRead More

Missy Magazine

Missy ist ein feministisches Magazin für Popkultur, Politik und Style. Wir schreiben über Transfamilien, Sexarbeit, Kathleen Hanna, Mösendampfbäder, Bike Polo, Fat Acceptance, Computerspiele, Vereinbarkeit, Sofia Coppola, Asyl und Alltag, The Knife, Anal Plugs, Katzen und Männer, Menstruation in Horrorfilmen, Achselhaare und Lena Dunham. Crafting und Kochen sind für uns ebenso Themen wie queere Pornografie oder Organisationen, die sich für sichere Abtreibungen einsetzen. All das passiert mit einer Attitüde, die beständig den Status quo mit einem Grinsen infrage stellt. Weil wirRead More

Texte zur Kunst

XTE ZUR KUNST stands for controversial discussions and contributions by internationally leading writers on contemporary art and culture. Featuring ground-breaking essays, the quarterly journal – which was founded in Cologne in 1990 by Stefan Germer (†) and Isabelle Graw and has been published in Berlin since 2000 – offers interviews, roundtable discussions, and comprehensive reviews on art, film, music, the market, fashion, art history, theory, and cultural politics. In 2006,Texte zur Kunst began publishing a bilingual German/English main section. TheRead More

Pop – Kultur & Kritik

POP. Kultur und Kritik analysiert und kommentiert die wichtigsten Tendenzen der aktuellen Popkultur in den Bereichen von Musik und Mode, Politik und Ökonomie, Internet und Fernsehen, Literatur und Kunst. Die Zeitschrift richtet sich sowohl an Wissenschaftler_innen und Studierende als auch an Journalisten und alle Leser_innen mit Interesse an der Pop- und Gegenwartskultur. ist die Website der Zeitschrift »Pop. Kultur und Kritik« mit ergänzenden Beiträgen. Gefördert durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DfG.   Based in: Berlin Published since: 2012   Staff:Read More


Address is an independent, advertising-free, journal for fashion criticism. A platform online and in print to think, talk and test ideas around fashion and approaches to criticism in a rigorous, entertaining and accessible manner. Expanding and contracting fashion as a topic of interest, Address records the transactions of fashion in society – from the way you tie your shoelaces to the impact of the latest catwalk.   Based in: London   Staff: Editor: Johannes Reponen Associate Editor: Jacob Rosengren EditorialRead More


Vestoj is a forum where academia, the museum world and the fashion industry can work together and with active communication. We write about the cultural phenomenon that is fashion in a manner that opens up for dialogue between theory and practice in order to raise awareness for fashion as a cultural phenomena and field of research and cultivate an even greater understanding for the discipline. Vestoj will exist outside of seasonally-based trends and news-focused articles. Instead we aim to encourageRead More