Bend Over is a paperback sized full-color matte magazine based in Berlin. It features interviews, photos, art and illustrations from an International collection of artists, musicians and cultural catalysts. Bend Over fills the gaps between queer lifestyle and special-interest publications with a sexy, practical, feminist take on the people and things we love. Art, music, culture, and sex coexist interdependently, just like they do in our everyday lives. The contributors and features span diverse ethnicities, nationalities, genders, opinions and media. With more practice than theory, more sex than censorship, and more subversion than advertising the goal is to expose each other to provocative and positive representations of contemporary queer imaginations, actions, and energy.
Based in: Berlin
Editor: Ena Schnitzlbaumer Photography: Goodyn Green Layout: Ursina Völlm Layout Concept: Silke Briel Proofreading: Alive Evermore