Œ Magazine is an independent fashion magazine from Berlin. It acts as a platform for the German, and particularly the Berlin fashion scene. Œ largely refrains from describing current trends and ideas in fashion, but instead concentrates on showing fashion by purely focusing on images. In every issue, 10 photo editorials reveal what keeps designers, photographers, stylists and hair & make-up artists moving these days. Production-wise, Œ strives to maximise the potential of printed matter. Different paper qualities and special production features make Œ an item that people like to hold, keep and collect. Œ Stories is Œ Magazine’s digital home. Here the stories behind Œ Magazine’s impressive imagery are told. An eclectic bunch of writers keeps you informed and entertained with interviews, additional editorials and news from the fashion world.
Based in: Berlin
Publisher: Arne Eberle
Art Direction, Concept, Production Management: Maven – Lisa Borges & Lucie Schibel
Editor-in-Chief: Arne Eberle
Fashion Director: Sebastiano Ragusa
Copywriter: Viktoria Pelles